Woman in savasana on infiniti pool
Woman in savasana on infiniti pool
Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra, often referred to as yogic sleep, is a systematic meditative technique that brings you to a place between waking and sleep.

Yoga Nidra can be used to aid in sleep as well as increase energy. It can also allow you to come to a place of relaxation while simultaneously tapping into your subconscious. It is in this state that one can use the practice to help alter and change behaviors and beliefs that no longer serve you. You can also begin to tap into emotions and memories that might be blocked.

Yoga Nidra for eating disorder recovery is a powerful tool that many clients gravitate towards once experienced. I customize the practice to focus on the client’s needs. Examples include: integration with self, acceptance of emotions, acceptance of different “selves”, and clarity of self.

woman in savasana covered with a colorful quilet surrounded by plants and candles


Please find the rates for single sessions and packages in the 2022 price list: 2022 Price List

Great question! This is a newish practice for many people and understanding the format before you sign up for a session is smart!

I offer a free yoga nidra on my site.

There are also plenty of free yoga nidra sessions on youtube and insight timer. 

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Yes! I want a FREE meditation to help me reconnect and ground. 

 © Blair Silverman Integrative Wellness Solutions, LLC 2021